Choose what you expect and you just might get exactly that

True story… “Had a blowout, highway patrol rolls up… pops out.. assesses the situation… saw my jack wasn’t doing the job…

Went back to his car… got his jack, jimmy rigged it… then he said… literally said, watch my back and I gotcha.. I’m like what…

He kneeled and then laid flat on his clean uni and fixed my tire from start to finish. Stood up and said I see you’re a coach. I explained my deal…

He said he was a exercise phys major too from UNC. We stood there and chopped it up for 5 minutes (which seemed like 30 considering we were still only three feet from the highway).

Here’s why I whispered to my wife to take a pic… because this was an anonymous act of service… (but not when you dealing with me). I don’t know his name and didn’t need to. But when he said watch his back, I felt his heart.

I said a gotcha… He never asked for a shout out. I honestly think this “man” son, friend and may be husband and dad was doing what he does everyday for everyone.

No points to be made. Just saying this too is happening all the time. I honestly have learned to expect it. The message here…

Choose what you expect and you just might get exactly that.. Or maybe better..”

Source: Repeal Illinois HB 3653

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