On Saturday, two young men, aged about 12ish came into Bluebirds and asked for a table for two.
They ordered an iced latte and a green tea, and asked what I would recommend on the menu.
After they had eaten their meal, I was chatting with them, and they told me that they come out for lunch together every 3 weeks or so, and that they were looking for the best place in town to eat, and so far this was the best.
They were so polite and proper little gentlemen. After they left I found this note along with a tip, my heart just melted.
The benefit of this story
The story tells us that being polite and courteous can go a long way. It also teaches us to appreciate good service and to show gratitude by leaving a tip. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of exploring and trying out new places to eat.
It is evident that the two young men had made an effort to find the best place in town to eat and they were pleased with their discovery. So, it’s always good to step out of our comfort zones and try new things.
Finally, the story reminds us that little acts of kindness, such as leaving a note or a tip, can brighten someone’s day and make them feel appreciated.