This is what 45+ years of alcoholism looks like… The man in that hospital bed is my father. He’s only 66 years old, not 86. He’s been an alcoholic since his early twenties and has progressively destroyed his life in that time. My dad was in and out of AA in the 80s and early 90s.
I really only remembered him drinking beer when I was a young child and I didn’t really think much of it, it hasn’t always been this bad. I have some fond memories of him, but they are few. Over the past 15 years or so he’s taken a downward spiral deeper into depression, self-loathing, and denial. In that time, he’s managed to alienate friends and family members.
My father has never had a lot of friends in his adult life, but these days no one calls or visits. He has become more and more emotionally abusive toward my mother and me over the years. Alcoholism has hardened his heart so much that I have never met another person so miserably full of hate and resentment. He fills his days with watching the news, smoking, drinking, and napping.
On Thanksgiving Day, he drank so excessively that he was unable to walk outside to smoke. My mother and I spent most of that night picking him up off the off floor and walking him to or from his bedroom. This went on into the early hours of Friday morning. Friday night was a similar experience, but with more anger and shouting.
He was transported to the hospital this morning, making it his third time this year and fifth time in the last 2 years. The last time he was in the hospital he spent the following month in a nursing home. That was not quite three months ago. This time he will likely spend the rest of his life in a nursing home.
I’ve seen alcoholism destroy his life and our family. He didn’t wake up one day and decide he wanted to ruin his life, it happened little by little over many years. He’s had multiple opportunities to seek help, but has refused it. If you or someone you know may struggle with alcoholism, please get help. Your family and friends are hurting, everyone in your life is affected by your actions. You can make a positive choice today and change your story. You are worth it.
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