In 2018, a California mother, Latana Chai, faced a devastating event while at home with her seven-month-old daughter, Masailah. At...
Luke Thill, then 13-year-old boy from Dubuque, Iowa, built his own tiny house in his parent’s backyard. This is an...
Dear Mom and Dad, I died today... I died today. You got tired of me and took me to the...
I can't take it to the beach for a walk because it bothers you on your vacation, you don't allow...
Buses, small houses, and shipping containers have all seen a surge in appeal as potential building materials for one-of-a-kind dwellings....
**WARNING** So I learned a thing. And I’ve sat on it for a couple months because the pictures are so...
I asked my local Harris Teeter grocery store in Virginia if they had a shopping cart that I could put...
He is not my dog, he is my best friend. This is my bro Peanut, he was my grandma's bodyguard...
There is no worse heartbreak than that of losing a child. That sort of grief doesn’t compare to any other,...
Some years ago, a friend invited me to his house. I never knew the reason why he invited me. But...